dee Cuisine

Recap: TECHmunch NYC 2012

Last Friday, we attended TECHmunch, a food conference sponsored by Bakespace, the creators of the iPad app Cookbook Café.

Here are photos from the event:

Driscoll’s berries to snack on. We also had a chance to sample delicious berry smoothies.

A Marshmallow Cooking Demo with Emily Hanhan, Founder of Who knew you could make marshmallows with bourbon, hot toddies, and other delicious concoctions.

Marisa McClellan from Food in Jars cooked up a batch of strawberry vanilla jam in a regular old stainless steel skillet. So delicious. This could also be great on top of ice cream or waffles topped with Greek yogurt.

Alejandra Ramos made 3 delicious dishes using common ingredients. Here are pesto black beans.

Savory brownie bites

Freshly prepared pastries
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