On August 10th, join the Friends of Stamford Downtown for their 18th annual fundraiser, On August 10th, join the Friends of Stamford Downtown for their 18th annual fundraiser, On August 10th, join the Friends of Stamford Downtown for their 18th annual fundraiser, On August 10th, join the Friends of Stamford Downtown for their 18th annual fundraiser, On August 10th, join the Friends of Stamford Downtown for their 18th annual fundraiser, On August 10th, join the Friends of Stamford Downtown for their 18th annual fundraiser, .tippy-box[data-theme~="wprm"] { background-color: #333333; color: #FFFFFF; } .tippy-box[data-theme~="wprm"][data-placement^="top"] > .tippy-arrow::before { border-top-color: #333333; } .tippy-box[data-theme~="wprm"][data-placement^="bottom"] > .tippy-arrow::before { border-bottom-color: #333333; } .tippy-box[data-theme~="wprm"][data-placement^="left"] > .tippy-arrow::before { border-left-color: #333333; } .tippy-box[data-theme~="wprm"][data-placement^="right"] > .tippy-arrow::before { border-right-color: #333333; } .tippy-box[data-theme~="wprm"] a { color: #FFFFFF; } .wprm-comment-rating svg { width: 18px !important; height: 18px !important; } img.wprm-comment-rating { width: 90px !important; height: 18px !important; } body { --comment-rating-star-color: #343434; } body { --wprm-popup-font-size: 16px; } body { --wprm-popup-background: #ffffff; } body { --wprm-popup-title: #000000; } body { --wprm-popup-content: #444444; } body { --wprm-popup-button-background: #444444; } body { --wprm-popup-button-text: #ffffff; }

A Grand Summer Night in Stamford

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